Algeria and Morocco want to restore their relationship
The King of Morocco, Mohammed VI, has voiced his desire for a restoration of normalcy and the reopening of borders with Algeria, a North African neighbouring country that severed diplomatic ties with Morocco almost two years ago. Mohammed VI, 59, gave a statement to honour the anniversary of his ascension to the throne in 1999. In the speech, he said, “We pray to the Almighty for a return to normality and a reopening of the borders between our two neighbouring countries and our brotherly people.” As a result of Morocco’s accusations that its neighbour was complicit in a jihadist attack on a hotel in Marrakesh that resulted in the deaths of two tourists, the borders have been closed since 1994, causing families to be separated. Algeria subsequently fortified its borders. Since then, tensions between the regional rivals have increased as a result of their dispute over Western Sahara, where the Polisario Front, which has Algeria’s support, is attempting to overthrow Rabat’s r...