UAE Alerts Over Sudan’s Famine, Honors UNSC’s Crisis Focus


With around 25 million people facing extreme food shortages in Sudan, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has expressed deep concern over the worsening humanitarian crisis. The UAE specifically highlighted the dire situation in North Darfur, where famine has been declared in areas such as the Zamzam camp, home to over half a million displaced individuals.

In addition to severe hunger in nine other states, the looming threat of starvation in the Abu Shouk and Al Salam camps has prompted the UAE to commend the recent United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting focused on Sudan. The UAE calls on the international community to maintain its attention on this critical issue.

Stressing the urgency of a swift response to Sudan’s humanitarian catastrophe, the UAE advocates for a ceasefire and the rapid delivery of humanitarian aid. While thousands are starving in places like Zamzam Camp and North Darfur, vehicles loaded with life-saving supplies remain stuck at the Sudanese border due to the pressing situation.

Rejecting the use of starvation as a weapon of war, the UAE demands the immediate lifting of restrictions imposed by the Sudanese Armed Forces on humanitarian access. Additionally, the UAE expects the Rapid Support Forces to ensure the safe operation of aid workers and humanitarian organizations without the risk of attack.

The UAE emphasizes that the escalating crisis necessitates an urgent scale-up of cross-border and cross-line humanitarian access to save millions of lives. The international community must not allow the Sudanese people to be used as political bargaining chips.

The UAE urges the UNSC to take all necessary measures to address the dire situation in Sudan, including allowing UN humanitarian organizations to deliver aid throughout the country via cross-line and cross-border routes if needed. Such decisive action by the Council could play a crucial role in coordinating global efforts to provide the necessary relief and prevent starvation across neighboring regions.

Reiterating its call for an immediate and lasting ceasefire, the UAE urges the warring parties to prioritize human lives over military objectives and to facilitate the safe, swift, and uninterrupted movement of humanitarian aid across Sudan. The UAE also underscores the importance of genuine engagement in peace negotiations aimed at a civilian-led transition.

The UAE acknowledges the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Switzerland in co-hosting the upcoming truce talks in Geneva, as well as those of the United States in organizing these discussions. The UAE remains committed to supporting all ongoing diplomatic efforts aimed at a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

As a long-standing humanitarian partner of Sudan, the UAE has committed USD 70 million to address immediate humanitarian needs through UN agencies and other humanitarian partners. Additionally, the UAE has pledged USD 30 million to support Sudanese refugees in neighboring countries.


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